Are you using the sauce as a soporific?

“Just a little glass or two – to help me fall asleep…”

Sound familiar? Need a little nightcap to propel you into sweet wakelessness?

Are you a booze to snoozer?

Well, you’re in good company. Many a well-adjusted, functional adult adhere to an occasional evening ritual involving a bit of merlot or Miller or Maker’s. In fact, up to 15% of the population are said to imbibe before bed. Nothing drastic, mind you. Just enough to cool down the day’s brain engine and prepare to power off for the next several (seven if you’re smart and plan properly) hours before beginning anew. And, while the experts don’t necessarily admonish this sort’ve behavior, they do warn to take caution. ‘cause even though something more benign like wine is even said to have melatonin in it (helpful for rest time), even it can still interfere with sleep if ingested at the wrong time, in the wrong amounts, or too frequently. Thus, for the sporadic night-cappers out there, the pros have a few tips to make sure you can wake up just as easily as you pass out. Starting with timing:

1. Give yourself a few hours

No, I don’t mean spend several hours chugging your poison of choice. What they suggest, rather, is that you quit schwilling at least three hours prior to tossing in the towel. Why? Because studies have observed that drinking too close to lights out can potentially interfere with a good, deep, REM sleep. “Alcohol may seem to be helping you to sleep, as it helps induce sleep, but overall it is more disruptive to sleep, particularly in the second half of the night,” says sleep researcher Irshaad Ebrahim of The London Sleep Centre in the U.K. He adds that “Alcohol also suppresses breathing and can precipitate sleep apnea.”

2. Simmer down, now.

Does that goblet full’a Sauvignon have a set of gams I can’t see? If not, then that means it ain’t going anywhere. So, take your time. This can be tough for the typical high energy nine to fiver to do – because many of us are accustomed to speed eating on the run. So, take a few moments to slow yourself down. Savor the flavor. Enjoy what you’re consuming. ‘cause – especially if you’re doing this on the regular – two’s the max they suggest you should permit yourself. As for daily drinkers? Take a good, deep, look at whether that’ll work out for you in the long run. Per Ebrahim: “Alcohol should not be used as a sleep aid, and regular use of alcohol as a sleep aid may result in alcohol dependence.”

3. Sleep early

The flipside to the “three hour window” rule above? Don’t wait too long after that three hours to turn in. ‘cause if you stay up too late watching Game of Throne reruns, then the sleep-depriving effects of your favorite poison might be amplified.

4. Drank for drank

Remember college days? Waking up bathed in the remnants of leftovers from the fridge? And positively parched? That’s cause the sauce tends to dehydrate your body machine, which is never good for any of your physical functions, having a quality sleep, or trying to wake up tomorrow. The fix? Match every goblet of tasty toxins with one of water, they say.

In sum, it’s pretty much agreed within the med community that spirits aren’t acceptable as a regular doze inducer.

However, people – many of ‘em – are gonna drink. And so long as it’s limited to a non-chronic indulgence, most likely there ain’t nothing wrong with it. So just consider this little list o’ tips as being like the condom they hand out at prom – alongside abstinence bands.

Now, go forth and make good choices, my slumber hungry lushes.

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