Does taking this vitamin at night deprive you of sleep?

Ah, vitamins. Those organic mini orbs you swallow in rocket shapes or enjoy as dissolvible fizzy tablets. They’re not drugs. So it shouldn’t matter when you take them…. right? Wrong. (“Wait – if I take the blue pill, I’ll just wake up, won’t I?”) Possibly, young woman who looks far too amused for that tiny […]

Huffington bed post: Ariana’s musings on snoozing

Why has nobody brought this to my attention? I can’t believe I’ve been writing for a sleep site for this long sans swinging the spotlight onto America’s queen of GTF-to-sleep-ery. Ariana Effing Huffington. For those of you who have zero point zero idea what I’m talking about, Ari (that’s my nickname for her; I feel […]

Partner’s pharyngeal farts keeping you up at night?

For a good while, after quitting snooze inducing pills, I had trouble sleeping. My body was taut. My brain was a thought Audubon. Tension was relentless. And the miscellaneous fixes and cures I’d try were good – but sometimes costly – or simply ineffective all on their own. Thus, I’d try a bunch at once: […]