Does a Heavy Blanket Equal Heavy Sleeping?

Wait… you want me to sleep with a heavy blanket? In this weather? I know. It’s a bit hot for it ATM. But, during your desperate search for the perfect (and side effect free) sleep, you may have encountered ads for the “Gravity” blanket. There are actually a ton’ve ’em out there, under all sorts […]

6 Tips For a Better Slumber Beside Your Lover (Part 2)

So you’re still having trouble sleeping next to your nuptial “other”. Love went out the window eons ago. And splitting is too inconvenient. So, what do you do? Well, if you want to attempt to salvage the remnants of the relationship you used to have, click here for part one of this article. It’ll not […]

6 Tips For a Better Slumber Beside Your Lover (Part 1)

They’re snoring. They’re thrashing. They-… wait. Are we sure that’s still bae in your bed? Not an alligator doing the death roll next to you? Yeah, I’ve been there. And, to be fair, so has my poor boyfriend, often at the receiving end of my Bruce Lee moves, anytime he tries to slide into bed […]

How To Look Fresh After an Awful Non-Sleep

Little league games. Project deadlines. The car breaking down in the middle of the freeway on your busiest day, ever. There’re plenty’ve legit “not a problem you brought on yourself” reasons for why you might not have gotten a good sleep this week. It’s the nature of the battle that is being human. Honestly, sometimes […]

Sarcastips: 6 Sleep Hacks You Definitely Haven’t Heard

Are you ready for some diesel grade sleep tips? Good. ’cause we’re jumping right in today. No annoying intro. No background on why sleep’s important. Just tips you’ve never read before. So, here we go: 1. Stay up late Don’t have to be at work til 10? Then you can totally go to bed at […]

Try this trifecta at night for a fabulous slumber

A wise man once asked: (In unison: “Yes. Yes we do.”) The problem? If you’re anything like me, ya gotta lot going on. Too much for snoozing to come easily when it should. Between physical therapy clinicals and my miscellany of other interests, I’m busy. Just like you. And, by the end of the day, […]

Here’s what you should read to fall asleep fast

I haven’t slept in ten days. Okay, okay… that’s a tad dramatic. I have slept – just not much. (And definitely not as much as I’m used to.) After starting a program to get certified as a physical therapist assistant, my life’s been insane. Every conscious moment’s spent sucking information into my brain organ as […]

Reverse psych yourself to sleep with this tip…

Trying your hardest to fall asleep when you hit the hay? Well, here’s a counter-intuitive tip from the slumber pros I recently heard: Cogitate on the opposite of nodding off. I know. I couldn’t exactly wrap my head around it, either, initially. I mean, you’re telling me that by laying there and contemplating wakefulness, I […]

Are your nightly hygiene habits the reason you can’t sleep?

It doesn’t make any sense. Here, I’m half asleep on the sofa after a soporific supper and cup of chamomile. Yet, not five minutes into scouring down my mug and molars in the bathroom, I’m ready to go for a night run. What gives? I was literally as alert as a roofie’d coed moments ago. […]

Cold water can help me sleep too?

So… you now know that you can cover your body in hot water for nocturnal restfulness. But did you know that cold water can also do the trick? I mean – if applied primarily to the face? The idea’s similar between these two approaches in that they both sucker punch your nervous system. But, whereas […]