Kava For Sleep: Tea Vs. Tincture

So, you’re interested in trying out kava… But maybe you don’t have time to sit and sip a cup of this sleep stuff in its tea form. Problem solved… with the tincture: Use is pretty intuitve. You take a couple of drops, plopped into a beverage of choice, and drink up. The one pictured above […]

Kava For Sleep: Tea Vs. Tincture

Once I’d finally escaped years of benzos at bedtime, I knew I’d need a replacement. At the very least, I needed something to help me sleep. The entire Tyrd site has been an inadvertent homage to that – capitalizing on all the many remedies I’ve tried to calm my noggin and sleep deeply after relying […]

Natrol Melatonin For Sleep: Downsides

So, we’ve heard the wonders of sublingual melatonin. As discussed in part 1 of this review, my go to is Natrol, at the 10 mg dosage. (Which I only recently learned is a safe amount to take.) And, for me… it works perfectly. I’m out within the hour. I’m up right with the alarm. I’m […]

Natrol Melatonin For Sleep: Upsides

“Well, I can prescribe you something for sleep – or I can recommend something over the counter…” My therapist officially had my interest. She knows I’m not big into popping pills. And that goes especially for those with long lists of possible side effects (and that are possibly habit forming), so anything au natural is […]

Sleep Snack Hacks For A Better Rest

By now, we’ve learned when to eat for a better sleep. Okay… but what should we eat during that window? Can our foods help us snooze? Indeed. Whether it’s three hours before bed or one, the things we eat can either steer our sleep ship toward theta waves or wakeful wakes. While sugar, spice, Starbucks, […]

Should You Eat Right Before Bed?

You may know what to avoid eating before bed. Drinking coffee after noon isn’t helpful. Eating chocolate will keep you up. Also, sugar and spice alike make for wide eyes while horizontal. But what about when we eat? According to the Cleveland Clinic, the window between food and snooze time should actually be about three […]

What’s Causing Your RLS?

After a long day, your body is exhausted. Your spirit is weary. Your brain is beaten into submission by a day full of problem solving. And then… there’s your legs. Doing the can can to beat the band. Restless Leg Syndrome is a term you’ve probably heard by now. But it goes beyond the legs […]

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Going to bed at nine on the nose? Logging the recommended 8 hours? And still waking cranky, exhausted, and longing for more snoozery? Well, you just might have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is an especially difficult issue to diagnose if you’re single because most cases are noted not by the direct sufferer (you) – but […]

Why You Still Sleep Badly With Amber Screen Settings

You’ve probably heard before to avoid screen time before sleep. So… why? In the past, we’ve all been told to eschew it due to the light factor. Blue light is the enemy of sleep. And, unfortunately, this is indeed the kinda light that radiates from a T.V., phone, or laptop. (But not your lamps and […]

This Alarm Is Lit – Literally…

Sick of the sound your iphone alarm makes every morning? Of course you do. We all hate it. And it’s so universal, that even if we hear someone else’s, we still have a Pavlovian response. But what is about the sound of an alarm that makes us so miserable? Is it the noise itself? Sure, […]