Can less sleep lead to more regrettable sex?

The list of bad things that can happen from depriving yourself of sleep is significant, from memory loss to irritability to a higher risk for getting sick. But in case none of those convince you of the importance of shut-eye, try this on for size. For men, the less sleep you get, the more attracted […]

Not getting enough sleep? How your work can suffer…

Sleep is something that’s consistently elusive, yet necessary to good living. When it comes to work, doing it on little sleep can mean less work getting done. As you’ve likely noticed, “[t]he more sleep-deprived you are, the slower you become at getting tasks done at work.” Sure, you can pop up in the morning and […]

You may want to kick this one thing out of your bed

Sleep is elusive for most because of distractions. It’s 6AM, the neighbor’s leafblower is on at full blast. The sun beats through the window and sears your forehead. Your partner snores like a malfunctioning chainsaw. But there’s one distraction that may be affecting your sleep more than you know: Fido. According to a recent Mayo […]

How you can literally sleep your way to better memory

The night before a big test or presentation is always the worst. You want to stay up and cram information, you want to make sure that your brain can absorb just a little bit extra before bed. However, you may be risking your brain’s ability to remember, period. A scientific study shows the importance of […]

Should we be sleeping alone?

We like to think of TV couples in the 50s going to sleep in separate beds, but throughout history, people have slept together—and not frequently for sexual reasons. Space was often a premium in recent centuries. From small adobe cottages to one-room log cabins to tiny Industrial Revolution city apartments, poverty and modest means have […]

You may laugh, but this sleep cure actually WORKS

If you’re struggling to find a way to get a good night’s sleep, you may want to try this unconventional but drug free way to sleep. Hypnosis is the art of relaxation and suggestibility. It’s unknown what makes individuals more “suggestible”, but those who are ranked with a high level of “suggestibility” are more able […]

This sleep disorder could raise your risk for diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing diseases in the developed world. Scientists are still discovering the risk factors for the disease, and unlike Type 1 diabetes, which has a genetic component, Type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle factors. However, a recent study shows that a common sleep disorder may increase your […]

This sleep disorder is secretly the most dangerous

When you think of sleep disorder, you think of insomnia or sleep apnea. They have their risks, and shouldn’t be left untreated. However, the most dangerous sleep disorder is also one that is little-understood: narcolepsy. But what is it, exactly? Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by a loss of the brain’s neurotransmitters that […]

20 Quick Sleep Tips (When All Else Fails)

Sleep is not for the weak.  At some point in our lives, it eludes us all, leaving us dark-eyed and limp-tailed in the morning. Almost everyone you know has a “magic way” to get you to sleep, from old-wives tales involving bars of soap to enough booze to knock out an elephant. Try something different […]

Can napping help productivity?

You’ve probably heard it before: all the best take naps. Bill Clinton, during his presidency, took naps (with whom is still to be determined). The number one fear among those who don’t nap: if I take a nap, I’ll be tired the rest of the day! The key to napping is to time it correctly. […]